MediLUX LED light therapy.

MediLUX delivers medical-grade LED services with unprecedented power and treatment scope. With 5 LED wavelengths, to target and address a greater number of skin concerns and meet a wider range of client objectives.

Provides effective non-invasive skin rejuvenation, collagen and elastin stimulation and production, scar prevention, acne and for improving the appearance of age spots, skin tone and texture, fine lines and wrinkles. Calm treatments with no pain, no fuss, no recovery time. originally developed by NASA to aid wound healing in space, completely safe and does not produce a thermal reaction in the skin, which makes this a comfortable treatment for anyone.

Blue (415nm)
— Anti-bacterial, soothes and reduces sebaceous activity. Attacks acne-causing bacteria and active breakouts. Calms psoriasis and dermatitis.

Green (520nm) — Stimulates Tyrosinase Inhibitors to fade the appearance of sunspots. Calms rosacea, eczema and red inflamed skin.

Yellow (590nm) — Increases hydration and skin thickness, also beneficial for redness and post-laser treatment.

Red (633nm) — Reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, inflammation and sebaceous activity. Encourages circulation, lymphatic flow and ATP production - Skin rejuvenation and cell repair.

Near Infrared (830nm) — Boosts ATP for deep cellular regeneration and wound healing. Collagen production. Wound healing, scar reduction, hair regrowth.

Similarly, it is utilized to relieve muscle and joint pain, arthritis, wound healing and inflammation, and can have a positive effect on your overall mood and wellbeing. Often, subsequently, aiding with a more restful night's sleep.

Add to any treatment | 40

Stand alone treatment | 45 min | 90